Who should listen, watch, and learn?
Administrators, Managers, and Staff, Skilled Nursing, Assisted Living, Independent Living, CCRCs, Memory Care, Hospice, Short Term Stay Rehab, Housing and Adult Foster Care
Timely, Relevant Educational Content
Transform the Resident Experience is strategically designed to mirror the American Healthcare Association's and National Center for Assisted Living's "Core Q" Customer Satisfaction Survey. This tool includes 3 questions for long-stay residents/family members and 4 for short-stay.
These questions have been independently tested as a valuable and reliable measure for customer satisfaction.
The "Core Q" 4 Curriculum Includes
- Recommend to Others (11)
- Staff Rating (34)
- Care Rating (42)
- Discharge Needs Rating (22)
Additional Leadership Skills Curriculum
- Leadership - The Magic of Engagement (48)
- Onboarding (23)
- Hardwiring Priority Best Practices (17)
- Blueprint for Sustainable Revenue Growth (9)
Learn How To
- Meet and manage resident and family expectations
- Create an exceptional resident experience, every time, no exceptions
- Engage and empower all caregivers to deliver loving compassionate service
- Read and respond to your residents' hidden needs through the power of non-verbal communication
- Empower co-workers to provide exceptional customer service by using the "Greatest Management Principle in the World"

Module List for TRE
Care Responsiveness
- Staff Responsiveness and Why it Matters
- Call Light Response
- Resident Rounding
- Staff Responsiveness Sentence Starters
Communication With Nurses
- Nurse Team Mission Statement
- Chat Time
- AIDET and SERVE - Clinical
- Shift Change Endorsement
- Nurse Communication Tools
- Nurse Communication Sentence Starters
- Nurse Communication Key Questions
Care Quality - Pain
- Pain Is the 5th Vital Sign
- Pain Myths
- Ethics of Pain Management
- Pain Control Mission Statement
- Effective Pain Assessment
- Manage Pain Expectations
- Medicate for Pain Relief
- Alternate Pain-Reduction Strategies
- Post Discharge Pain Management
- Pain Care Tools
- Skillful Pain Care Communication
- Pain Care Sentence Starters
- Pain Care Collaboration
- Pain Care Imperatives
Communication about Medication
- Medication Education and Why It Matters
- New Medication Education Checklist
- Preceptor Role: Medication Education
- Medication Education Tools
- Resident Medication Coaching - a Very "Big Deal"
- Medication Education Teach Back
- Medication Education Sentence Starters
Care Quality - Discharge
- Involved in discharge planning
- Prepared for discharge
- Understands Responsibility
- The Power of the Checklist
- Rehab Starts at Admitting
- Rehab Coaching - Daily
- Rehab Coaching - Day Prior
- Medication Reconciliation
- Rehab Coaching - Going Home Day
- Post Discharge Phone Calls
- Rehab Packet
- Rehab Teach Back
- Rehab Sentence Starters
Discharge Process
- Care Transitions and Why it Matters
- Personalized Care Plan
- Patient Accountability for Self-Management
- Medication Self Mastery
- Care Transition Tools
- Communicate, Collaborate, Coordinate
- Care Transitions Sentence Starters
- Care Transitions Collaboration
- Care Transition Vital Questions
Kindness Care Communication
- Keys to Compassionate Communication
- Courtesy
- Respect
- Mindful Listening
- Empathizing with Difficult Behavior
- Non-Verbal Communication
- Overall quality of Service
Willingness to Recommend
- The Power of Referrals
- The Resident Reality Check
- Inspiring Stories
- Ideas Worth Quoting and Reading
License to Please
- The Six-Foot Rule
- Service Recovery Policy
- No Pass Zone
- The Live It Platinum Rule
- Managing Up
- License to Silence
- Freedom to Clean
Care Responsiveness
- The Secret of Patient Satisfaction
- 3 Attributes of Lifetime Customer Loyalty
- What do we expect as Customers?
- The Risk of Indifferent Service
- The Mother Test
- Differentiate Yourself
- Tangibles vs. Intangibles
- Consistently Meet Resident Expectations
- Help with Admissions Process
- Admissions Orientation
- Responsiveness of Social Worker
Continuous Improvement
- The Power of Excellence
- Daily Huddles
Personal Power
- If Attitude was Contageous
- The World of Superstars and Slugs
- People Need People
Care Quality
- Attention to Resident Grooming
- Commitment to Family Updates
- Care/Concern of Staff
- Competency of Staff
Quality of Life
- Respect Shown
- Involvement in Daily Decisions
- Offers Meaningful Things to Do
- Privacy Needs Respected
- Spiritual Opportunities
- Security of Personal Belongings
- Resident-to-Resident Friendships
- Resident-to-Staff Friendships
Dining Experience
- Meals Appealing/Tasty
- Meal Needs/Preferences Met
- Pleasant Atmosphere for Meals
- Maintained Rooms/Surroundings
- The Quiet Revolution
- Quiet at Night
- Clean/Comfortable Furnishings
- Cleanliness of Premises
- Safe in Surroundings
L1 The Magic of Engagement
Leader's Role
- The Big Picture in Resident Experience
- What's your Brand Promise?
- 4 Reasons to Care about Resident Satisfaction
- Value Based Purchasing and Why it is Relevant
- Long Term Care Stars
- What are Your Residents Telling You?
- What is your continuous Improvement Model?
- Do You Know Your Scores?
Transform the Resident Experience
- Educate your Team to serve and Act
- Everything is possible
- What's in it for Me?
- The Importance of Domain Owners
- Ensuring Results through Accountability
- The Difference Between Try and DO
Inspire, Retain, Motivate and Empower
- Three Things Managers Need to Focus On
- keep the Good Ones You've Got
- Avoiding the Resignation Letter
- Turnover and Satisfaction
- What does Turnover Cost?
- Empowerment
- Dealing with Disengagement
- BMG's
- The Key is Culture
- Unwritten Rules
- The Need for Culture Shift
- Appointing a Service Excellence Council
Transformational Leadership Skills & Best Practices
- Empowerment is the Way
- Service Recovery
- The Complaint Golden Rule
- Best Solution Closest to the Problem
- Adopt-a-Resident
- Leadership Empowerment Survey
- Human Performance Improvement Model
- Intentional Rounding
- Mindful Active Listening
Make the Magic of Engagement a Reality
- Recognize, Acknowledge, and Celebrate
- Three Things to Remember about Recognition
- Service Communication Training
- Peer-Based Train-the-Trainer
- Empowered Frontline Leaders
- Service Workshop Skills
- Celebrate Peer-to-peer
- Turning Feedback into Agendas
- Service PULSE
- Value of Engagement and Ownership
- Create Sustainability of Engagement
- Building a Brand
L2 Onboarding
Genius of Onboarding and Retention
- What is Your First Year Turnover?
- The Brilliance of Behavioral Interviewing
- Behavioral Interviewing Must Haves
- The Power of Peer Interviewing
- Choosing Peer Interviewing
- The Hidden Gem: A Peer Tour
- Lawsuit Alert: Interviewing
- Welcome to the Family
- Be Prepared for a New Hire
- Prepare for Orientation Day
- Organized Orientation
- Orientation Excellence
- Making Satisfaction Guaranteed Part of New Hire
Experience - Engaging New Team Members
- Getting to know New Team Members
- The Mentor/Buddy System
- Turn-Key Tools to Master Mentorship
- Recognize New Team Members
- Retain New Team Members
- Perfect Attendance - Myth or Magic?
- Prescription for Perfect Attendance
- Checking In So They Don't Check Out
- Onboarding and Retention Team
L3 Hardwire Priority Best Practices
Hardwire a Resident Experience Council
- Three keys to the Resident Patient Experience
- Benefits of Establishing an Resident Council
Creating a Service Excellence and Resident Experience Council
- Plan
- Organize
- Implement
Hardwire Service Recovery
- Mastering the Complaint Golden Rule
- How to Author a Service Recovery Policy
- How to Build a Service Recovery Toolkit
- Hardwiring Ongoing Implementation
Hardwire Awards & Recognition
- What Gets Recognized - Gets Rewarded
- Evaluating Your Rewards and Recognition Process
- Informal Recognition Works
- Choosing Your Rewards
- Who do you Want to Reward?
- How will you Reward?
- Hardwiring Rewards & Recognition
- 3-2-1- Liftoff! Time to Launch
L4 Blueprint For Sustainable Growth by Clint Maun
- How do we hit these budgets?
Grow Revenue! - Q.S.T.
- The Strategy of ARMS
- Breaking down ARMS into Systems: Admissions
- The Rules of Three
- Team Based Admission Assessments
- Breaking Down ARMS into Systems: Rightness
- Breaking Down ARMS into Systems: Marketing
- Breaking Down ARMS into Systems: Sales